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SQL Server Training in Hyderabad

Gain mastery with DABI’s comprehensive SQL Server course. Our industry-led program equips you with expert skills in designing, building, and optimizing high-performance database solutions.

For more Info: +91 8309431893

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What is SQL Server?

SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft. It is a software product primarily used to store and retrieve data as requested by other software applications, which may run either on the same computer or on another computer across a network (including the Internet). SQL Server supports a wide range of transaction processing, business intelligence, and analytics applications in corporate IT environments. Check the Latest version of SQL Server

Dabi SQL server training sql server training in hyderabad

Why learn SQL Server?

Career Opportunities: SQL Server is widely used in enterprise environments, making proficiency in it a valuable skill for database administrators, developers, data analysts, and business intelligence professionals
Versatility: SQL Server can handle diverse data management needs, from transaction processing to business intelligence and analytics, making it applicable across various industries and job roles.
Scalability: SQL Server is designed to scale with growing data volumes and user loads, providing a robust platform for both small businesses and large enterprises.
Integration with Microsoft Ecosystem: SQL Server seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft products and services, such as Azure cloud services, Visual Studio, and Power BI, enabling comprehensive solutions for data management and analysis.
High Demand: Organizations across industries rely on SQL Server for critical data management tasks, leading to a consistently high demand for professionals with SQL Server skills.
Salary Potential: Due to its widespread use and criticality in business operations, SQL Server professionals often command competitive salaries and benefits. Continued Relevance: Despite the emergence of alternative database technologies, SQL Server remains a dominant player in the market, ensuring its relevance and demand for the foreseeable future.


✓ Data Fundamentals

  • What is Data and Data Formats
  • Data Storages
  • Structure Data Presence in Database
  • On Premises and Cloud Data Storages 
  • Database Providers and Products

✓ SQL Fundamentals

Sql Use in different Platforms

  • Frontend Applications
  • Business Intelligence
  • Data Engineering
  • Data Science

How To Interact wit Different Database by using Sql

Opportunities with Sql

✓ Versions and Editions in SQL Server

✓ Editions of SQL Server

  • Enterprise Edition
  • Standard Edition
  • Developer Edition
  • Work Group Edition
  • Express Edition

✓ Features of Sql Server

✓ IDES in Sql Server

✓ Sql Server Tools

  • Database
  • SSIS
  • SSRS
  • SSAS

✓ SQL Server Database Installation

✓ Server Name, Instance and Authentication

✓ Installation Summary

✓ Sql Server Management Studio Installation

  • Object Explorer
  • Query Editor

✓ Sql Server Connections with SSMS

  • Single instance
  • Multi instance

✓ System Defined Databases and Usage

  • Masterdb
  • Msdb
  • Modeldb
  • Tempdb

✓ User Defined Database Creation and Usage

✓ Mdf, Ldf and Ndf Files

✓ Basic Operations on User Defined Tables

  • Create User Tables
  • insert Data
  • Update Data
  • Delete Data

✓ Difference Between Query and Command
✓ Query and Command Execution in Sql Server
✓ Parser, Compiler, Optimizer, Syntaxer and CLR
✓ Storage Engine [Sql Engine]
✓ Lock, File, Transaction Manager and Buffer Manager
✓ Buffer and Threads

✓ Create Table Structure
✓ Modify Table Structure

  • Alter      Add
  • Alter      Alter
  • Alter   Modify

✓ Remove Data and Structure from Tables
✓ Select Into Command
✓ Truncate and Drop Difference
✓ Sql Server Datatypes

✓ Data Loading into Tables
✓ Single Row, Multi Row and Required Column Insert into Tables
✓ Modify Table Date
✓ Remove Data from Tables
✓ Difference Between Truncate, Delete and Drop
✓ Bulk Insert
✓ Merge Command Operations
✓ Insert Table Data from Another Table

✓ Data Loading into Tables
✓ Single Row, Multi Row and Required Column Insert into Tables
✓ Modify Table Date
✓ Remove Data from Tables
✓ Difference Between Truncate, Delete and Drop
✓ Bulk Insert
✓ Merge Command Operations
✓ Insert Table Data from Another Table

✓ Providing privileges [GRANT]
✓ Removing privileges [REVOKE AND DENY]
✓ Implicit and Explicit Grants

✓ Providing privileges [GRANT]
✓ Removing privileges [REVOKE AND DENY]
✓ Implicit and Explicit Grants

✓ Working with Select Statement
✓ Clauses
         • From
        • Where
        • Group By
        • Having
        • Order By

✓ Single Value Match Operators

       • Artha Matic           Operators
             +, -, *, %, /
        • Comparison Operators
               <, >, <=, >=, =, <>, !=
       • Logical        Operators
               AND, OR, NOT

✓ Multi Value Match Operators

        • In Not In
        • Between Not Between
        • Like Not Like
        • Exists Not Exists
        • Is Null Is Not Null

✓ Working With TOP

✓ Set Theory Generic Protocols
✓ Intersect
✓ Union
✓ Union All
✓ Except
✓ Working On Incremental Loading

✓ Simple Sub Query
✓ Correlated Sub Query
✓ Nested Sub Query
✓ Difference Between Simple and Correlated Sub Query

✓ Joins In Realtime Usage
✓ Cross Join and Cross Apply
✓ Inner Join [Equi, Non Equi]
✓ Natural Join
✓ Self-Join
✓ Left Outer Join
✓ Right Outer Join
✓ Full Outer Join
✓ Anti Left Outer Join

✓ Anti Right Outer Join
✓ Working on ON and WHERE Clauses
✓ Merge Join
✓ Loop Join
✓ Hash Join

✓ Domain Integrity

  • Not Null
  • Default
  • Check

✓ Entity Integrity

  • Primary Key and Limitations
  • Unique and Limitations

✓ Referential Integrity

  • Foreign Key

✓ Kyes

  • Composite Key
  • Candidate Key
  • Alternate   Key
  • Super          Key
  • Artificial    Key

✓ Normal Column and Identity Column

✓ Cascading

  • On Delete Cascade
  • On Update Cascade
  • ON Delete Set NULL
  • On Update Set NULL
  • On Delete Set No Action

✓ What is Normalization
✓ Types Of Normalization
✓ 1: 1, 1: Many, Many to Many Relations
✓ Business, Conceptual, Logical, Physical Data Model
✓ Dimension, Fact Tables
✓ Dimension Model Schemas [ Star, Snowflake, Galaxy]
✓ Entity Relational Model [OLTP]
✓ Dimension Model [OLAP]

✓ Clustered Index Design and Structure
✓ Non-Clustered Index Design and Structure
✓ Unique Index Design
✓ Index with Included Columns
✓ Column Storage Index
✓ Full-Text Index Population
✓ Filtered Index Design
✓ Covering Index Design
✓ B-Tree and Online Indexes
✓ Index View Vs Materialized Views
✓ Fill Factor, TEMPDB, Pat Index

✓ What Is Schema and Realtime advantages with practical
✓ System Defined Procedures Usage with Example

  • Sp_Help, Sp_HelpText, Sp_Rename, Sp_Tables, Sp_Who2, Sp_Who
  • Sp_Spaceused, Sp_Statistics, Sp_ForeignKeys

✓ System Defined Views Usage with Example

  • Sys.Servers, Sys.Database, Sys.Objects, Sys.Schemas, Sys.View, Sys.Indexes
  • Information_Schema. Tables, Information_Schema.Columns

✓ Difference Between Group by and Distinct, Performance Impact
✓ Group By and Having Usages to Identify and Eliminate Duplicates
✓ Rollup And Cube
✓ Creating Full Totals and Sub totals
✓ Comparing Rollup, Cube and Group Functions

✓ Advantages and Limitations of Views
✓ Tables Vs Views
✓ Simple Views [Modifiable View]
✓ Complex Views [Read Only View]
✓ Materialized Views
✓ Encypted Views, Schema Binding Views

✓ Advantages and Limitations of Functions
✓ System Defined Functions
• String Functions
                                          ASCII                                             LEN                                                RTRIM
                                         CHAR                                            LOWER                                        SPACE
                                        CHARINDEX                              LTRIM                                           STR
                                        CONCAT                                       NCHAR                                         STUFF
                                        CONCATE WITH +                 PATINDEX                                 SUBSTRING
                                         DATALENGTH                          REPLACE                                    UPPER
                                        LEFT                                                  RIGHT
• Aggregate Functions

                                         AVG                                               BINARY_CHECKSUM                    CHECKSUM
                                         CHECKSUM_AGG              COUNT                                                     COUNT_BIG
                                         GROUPING                             GROUPING_ID                                     MAX
                                          MIN                                              STDEV                                                         STDEVP
                                         SUM                                              VAR                                                                VARP
• Configuration Functions

                                         DATEFIRST                                     DBTS                                                 LANGID
                                         LANGUAGE                                   LOCK_TIMEOUT                      MAX_CONNECTIONS
                                        MAX_PRECISION                      NESTLEVEL                                  OPTIONS
                                       REMSERVER                                 SERVERNAME                              SERVICE NAME
                                       SPID                                                   TEXTSIZE                                          VERSION

• Cursor Functions
                                       CURSOR_STATUS                        CURSOR_ROW                         FETCH_STATUS

• Date and Time Functions
                                      CURENT_TIME                               STAMP DATEADD                    DATEDIFF
                                      DATENAME                                      DATEPART                                    DAY
                                      GATDATE                                         GATUTCDATE                             ISDATE
                                     MONTH                                              SYSDATETIME                             SYSDATETIMEOFFSET
                                    SYSUTCDATETIME                        SWITCHOFFSET                         TODATETIMEOFFSET
• Mathematical Functions
                                     ABS                                                        ACOS                                                   ASIN
                                    ATAN                                                     ATN2                                                    CEILING
                                   COS                                                         COT                                                      DEGRESS
                                   EXP                                                         FLOOR                                                 LOG
                                   LOG10                                                   PI                                                             POWER
                                  RADIANS                                              RAND                                                     ROUND
                                  SIGN                                                       SIN                                                           SQRT
                                  SQUARE                                               TAN
• Other Functions
                                    APPNAME                                       CAST                                                      COALESCE
                                    CONVERT                                      CURENT_USER                                   DATALENGTH
                                   GETANSINULL                              HOST_ID                                                 HOST_NAME
                                   IDENT_CURRENT                       IDENT_INCR                                          IDENT_SEED
                                   IDENTITY                                        ISNULL                                                      ISNUMARIC
                                  NEWID                                              NULLIF                                                      PARSENAME
                                 PERMISSIONS                                ROWCOUNT                                           ROWCOUNT_BIG
                                 SCOPE_IDENTITY                       SESSION_USER                                       STATEM_USER
                                 TRANCOUNT                                 USER_NAME
✓ System Defined Window Functions
                  • Intro to window functions
                  • Basic windowing syntax
                 • The usual suspects: SUM, COUNT, and AVG
                 • ROW_NUMBER ()
                 • RANK () and DENSE_RANK ()
                 • NTILE
                 • LAG and LEAD
                 • Defining a window alias
✓ User Defined Functions
               • Scalar-valued Functions
               • Table-valued Functions
✓ Difference Between Functions and Procedures                                                                                               

✓ Variable Declarations and Assignments
✓ Basic syntax
✓ Conditional Statements
✓ Multi Branching Conditional Statements
✓ Iterative Statements
✓ Exception/ Error Handling

✓ Use in Real Time and Types
✓ System Defined and User Defined Procedures
✓ Dynamic Sql Quires in Procedures
✓ In, Out, InOut Parameters
✓ Dynamic Data Insertion with Procedures
✓ Using TEMP Tables in Procedures
✓ Stored Procedure inside Stored Procedure

✓ Local Variables Vs Global Variables with Example
✓ Table Valued Variables
✓ Temporary Table Usage in Real Time
✓ Inline Views Vs Normal Views
✓ Common Table Expressions
✓ CTE usage in Real Time
✓ Multiple Examples using CTE
✓ Duplicate Finding and Removing
✓ Non-Recursive and Recursive CTE

✓ Use in Real Time
✓ Triggers Vs Procedures
✓ Types Of Triggers
✓ DML Triggers
✓ DDL Triggers
✓ FOR Triggers
✓ INSTEAD Of Triggers

✓ What is Cursor.
✓ Cursor Life Cycle
✓ Working Process of Cursor.

✓ Creating Dynamic SELECT Statements.
✓ Passing Dynamic Table Names
✓ Create a Procedure with Dynamic Table Names and Varables
✓ Normal SQL Vs. Dynamic SQL

✓ Project Explanation
✓ Day to Day Activities
✓ Real Time Database Environment
✓ Challenges
✓ Performance Tuning

Register for SQL Server Training in Hyderabad.

Frequently Asked Questions

Microsoft SQL Server is a robust and scalable relational database management system (RDBMS) widely used across industries for storing, managing, and retrieving structured data efficiently. SQL Server offers a comprehensive platform for building, deploying, and maintaining mission-critical applications, making it an essential tool in the world of data management.

To equip you with the skills to leverage SQL Server’s capabilities effectively, D.A.B.I Training Institute offers comprehensive SQL Server course training, Online & Offline. The programs covers everything from database fundamentals to performance tuning. By enrolling in our SQL Server training, you’ll gain experience and industry-relevant knowledge, positioning yourself as a valuable asset in the field of data-driven decision-making.

We’ve got you covered. We record Daily Live Classes and share the records everyday. You can watch at your own time, practice and ask the trainer any queries you have

The primary purpose of Microsoft SQL Server is to provide a robust and scalable relational database management system (RDBMS) that enables organizations to store, manage, and retrieve data efficiently. SQL Server serves as a centralized repository for structured data, offering a comprehensive set of tools and features to support various data management tasks and applications.

The primary purpose of Microsoft SQL Server is to provide a robust and scalable relational database management system (RDBMS) that enables organizations to store, manage, and retrieve data efficiently. SQL Server serves as a centralized repository for structured data, offering a comprehensive set of tools and features to support various data management tasks and applications.

SQL Server training opens doors to a thrilling IT career path. If you’re passionate about data management, aspire to build robust applications, or prioritize information security, this training arms you with the essential skills to embark on a rewarding journey in the ever-evolving IT landscape.


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Big thanks to the trainer for guidance. I'm confident after this SQL Server Training thanks to him
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Learning SQL Server training at hyderabad D.A.B.I was an excellent investment in my career. The Trainer's teaching is good and the videos, case studies and project greatly helped.
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The extensive curriculum covered everything from database fundamentals to advanced, very proper methodical learning in this institute. Good SQL Server Training Institute

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Certify Your Expertise with DABI

Upon successful completion of SQL Server Training, you’ll be eligible for a course completion certificate from us, recognizing your achievement and acquired skills.

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